Kid's Book Club!
We're trying something new this month. We are offering two book choices. Both are incredibly special, heartfelt books that tackle the important theme of body image & body positivity in a kid-appropriate way. We encourage readers to pick one to read - or if they are feeling ambitious - read both!
Starfish by Lisa Fipps is a Printz Honor Winner novel in verse told from the perspective of 12-year-old Ellie who is tired of being fat-shamed and finally does something about it. Explore Bookopolis kid reviews.
A Work in Progress by Jarrett Lerner is a poignant story of a young boy who struggles with body image. His relatable journey to self-acceptance is told through prose, verse, and illustration. Explore Bookopolis kid reviews.
When purchasing your Book Club books at BookPeople, mention Austin Allies at the register for 10% off or enter “BOOKCLUB” when checking out online!
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