Our Mission

 Austin Allies' mission is to organize meaningful volunteer opportunities for families in the Greater Austin area by partnering with local nonprofits and those that they serve.


Our Story

Austin Allies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization started in 2016 by three moms at a kitchen table in South Austin. Looking around at our neighborhood, city, state, and country, we didn’t like what we saw - people were unhappy and unkind to each other, and we even saw it in our own kids. We wondered if taking care of others in our community might be just the thing everyone needed, and started calling local nonprofits to see how our families could help. We brought in some community-minded friends and their kids, who brought in their friends, and Austin Allies was born!


Since our first event in February of 2017, we earned our 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, welcomed more than 1,400 volunteer families and have supported nearly 100 nonprofits and those that they serve! We are so proud and grateful to be making a difference in our corner of the world.


Our Pivot

We started our program as an in-person organization, volunteering on-site in our nonprofit partners' spaces or organizing our own family-friendly get-togethers.  In March of 2020, we had to take a massive turn in order to keep supporting our nonprofit partners and finding ways for our big-hearted Allies families to continue to serve our community.  That's where our #HelpingFromHome program began!  


We provide the materials needed for each at-home activity, whether that means picking them up from our nonprofit partners (thousands of diapers from Austin Diaper Bank, dozens of boxes of books from BookSpring) or purchasing them ourselves (items for creating 75 summer activity kits for Saint Louise House or 100 Valentine goodie bags for the children at SAFE). Our volunteer families sign up to participate, pick up the prepped materials to complete the project at home, and return them when they are finished. The Allies team then delivers the completed projects or collected goods to the nonprofit in need. This program proved to be immensely popular with busy families who are better able to volunteer on their time from home, so even though the world has opened up again, our #HelpingFromHome program is still going strong, even as we also return to volunteering in person!


Whether volunteering in person, helping from home, or both, our goal is to make it as easy, enjoyable, and meaningful as possible to volunteer with your family! 

Our Beliefs

We Believe in Following the Example of our Partners

We believe that our non-profit partners are the leaders. As an organization, we strive to honor them by supporting the daily work they do. Their guidance, and not our desires, determine where and how we serve.


We Believe in Engaging with the Community

We believe that empathy is built when we engage actively with volunteer work. We offer in-person opportunities to work alongside non-profit partners and community members. Due to privacy and safety concerns, some of our partnerships are best served through donations, both monetary and in-kind, which are then processed via Allies. However, as often as possible, we strive to create opportunities to engage in-person alongside our partners and community members.  


We Believe that Service Builds Equity

We do not see ourselves as separate from the people we serve. In honoring and engaging directly with our partners and their clients, we see Allies as part of a larger community of people working together to build a city that is more welcoming and equitable. Austin Allies believes that all people are worthy, deserve respect, and should be treated with dignity. Our members are active learners and informed citizens who see the value in supporting underserved communities.


We Believe in Building Future Citizens

Children are fundamental to our mission. We believe in teaching our children about service, equity and empathy. Our youngest Allies actively participate in service projects for their community, volunteer in-person, and learn about the world from rich, diverse stories.